
Assertions can confirm the properties of a value, or where appropriate, those of all values within an array.


Subroutine Description
ASSERT_EQUAL(A, B) Assert that \(A = B\)
ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(A, B) Assert that \(A \neq B\)
ASSERT_ALMOST_EQUAL(A, B, REL_TOL=1E-9) Assert that \(A \approx B\)
with a given relative tolerance,
the default being \(10^{-9}\) if not specified
ASSERT_GREATER_THAN(A, B) Assert that \(A \gt B\)
ASSERT_LESS_THAN(A, B) Assert that \(A \lt B\)
ASSERT_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL(A, B) Assert that \(A \geq B\)
ASSERT_LESS_THAN_EQUAL(A, B) Assert that \(A \leq B\)


Subroutine Description
ASSERT_TRUE(A) Assert that \(A\) returns .TRUE.
ASSERT_FALSE(A) Assert that \(A\) returns .FALSE.

Type Checking#

Subroutine Description
ASSERT_IS_REAL(A) Assert that \(A\) is a REAL type
ASSERT_IS_INT(A) Assert that \(A\) is a INTEGER type
ASSERT_IS_CHARACTER(A) Assert that \(A\) is a CHARACTER type
ASSERT_IS_COMPLEX(A) Assert that \(A\) is a COMPLEX type

Array Checking#

Subroutine Description
ASSERT_ARRAY_CONTAINS(X, A) Assert that array \(\textbf{X}\) contains \(A\)


Subroutine Description
FAIL Register a failure in a test subroutine
SUCCEED Register a pass in a test subroutine